Exciting STEAM Kits for Creative young minds!

Explore our range of STEM kits encompassing AI, Robotics, IoT, and more, tailored for innovating young minds. These hands-on kits empower them to delve into technology, fostering creativity and problem-solving.

CBot Pro

Mubitz - The AI Robotic Kit

Brainstorm Robotics Pro

Explore the world of STEM/AIoT kits!

DIYduino Coding Kit Level 1, 2 & 3

Brainstorm Innovator kit

Advanced AI Mechanics Robotix kit

Electronic Kits

Cirkit Craft Level 1 & 2

My first book of electronics, the STEAM learning kit

Nano Blox

Electron Nano α- The Electronic STEM Kit


The robotics kit is designed for students of all ages, typically from Grade 4 onwards.

No prior experience is necessary. Our robotics kit is designed to be beginner-friendly and includes easy-to-follow instructions and video lessons.

Our robotics kit allows you to build a variety of robots, including but not limited to wheeled robots, robotic arms, and even autonomous vehicles.

Yes, the kit includes programmable components such as microcontrollers and sensors, allowing you to code your robots to perform specific tasks with our Zblox coding application.

Absolutely! Our kit is highly customizable, allowing you to experiment with different designs and functionalities.

The AI/IoT kit is suitable for middle and high school students and above who have a basic understanding of programming.

The kit includes components such as microcontrollers, sensors, actuators, and communication modules for building projects related to artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things (IoT).

While prior programming knowledge is beneficial, our kit comes with resources and tutorials to help beginners get started with coding for AI and IoT projects.

With this kit, you can build projects such as smart home devices, environmental monitoring systems, gesture-controlled gadgets, and more.

Yes, our kit includes resources and examples for implementing machine learning algorithms on microcontrollers, allowing you to create intelligent IoT applications.

The electronics kit is suitable for middle school students and above who are interested in learning about electronics and circuitry.

The kit includes a variety of electronic components such as resistors, capacitors, LEDs, transistors, and integrated circuits (ICs) for building circuits and projects.

No prior knowledge is required. Our electronics kit is designed for beginners and includes educational materials to help you understand the fundamentals of electronics.

With this kit, you can build projects ranging from simple LED circuits to more complex systems such as digital clocks, amplifiers, and sensors.

Yes, our kit comes with e-manuals and step-by-step video lessons. You can follow the video for debugging the circuits.

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